Johnny Earl Maxwell: "Mr W.A. and Mrs. Thelma's Boy"

Johnny Earl Maxwell (9/20/1940 to 7/2/2020) “Mr. W.A. and Mrs Thelma’s boy” The above quote was from one of Dad's growing up friends, I think it was the younger brother of Thurman and Herman Moseley. Either way it's a very fitting description of John Maxwell. Here is a sort of memorial tale of my Dad. They wouldn't let me use it as the Obituary , but I like the story. Joel, visited the last two weeks to help with things and we had LOTS of laughs with Dad, talking about old times. Joel cooked for him, and fixed him coffee and got him whatever else he wanted. Dad loved it. Duh. And I loved that he kept things cleaned up. Camellia called him on his last day and of course, he asked about Katie, one of his “favorite” grandkids. He lived with Camellia for the last 10 years or more. She took care of him, his only daughter, and the one most like him. So, he was very close to Danielle and Katie, seeing them, and hugging them about every day. And his favorite son-...