Comment on Fatherhood

I should have done this earlier, maybe Father's Day or something, but I saw this video on Youtube today (I should give credit to for the referral to the video) and it reminded me about the past, but I still have some of these experiences because of my neices. Raegan was, and still is, a handful, especially as we navigate the middle teen years and driving and boys (I'll bet the Dad in the video's song changes when his girls get teenage) but each phase has been a joy for me. I've loved being her Dad and look forward to many more years.

My neices are many. I only have one nephew, Brandon, and he's in Texas now. I'm sure he's great and all, and he'll have to carry on the Maxwell name, but the girls are numerous and special to me. My brother Joel, also Brandon's dad, has one girl, Jennifer, the oldest who's a woman now. Jennifer is so sweet, even for a UGA graduate. My other brother, Allen, has one, Kayla. We have a special bond since she was born in Auburn and we were close to them for a number of years while they lived here and before Raegan came along. I know that she thinks that she's not as special since Raegan arrived but that's not the case. She's started college this year and has a world of potential. Danielle, the next one, is my sister Camellia's oldest child. Danielle loves computers, which endears me to her. We're starting to have a lot of conversations about that lately as she gets ready for her future college education. She was also raised on the same piece of land that I was and has enjoyed playing in the same woods and fields. We're connected that way also. Katie, Camellia's youngest, is a character. She's grown up in those same woods also and is a lover of all animals. She'll make a great veteranarian someday.

Now marriage has brought me two other neices, Kristen and Karley. They moved to Auburn about 3 years ago and our life will never be the same again. Kristen is so grown up (although only in the 3rd grade this year.) She's seen a lot for her years and is very observant and mature. She loves horses and has always talked about being a veteranarian-pharmacist and having a farm. We'll see. Karley has just entered the first grade this year, but she's been special to me and to about everyone she meets since she was a baby. We could write a book of Karleyisms, although a lot of what she says she's repeating hearing it from my wife. As if she needs anymore help in coming up with stuff. We look forward to helping to guide these two girls along with Raegan for the next few years.


"Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope." -- Bill Cosby
A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be. -- Lion (Unknown?)
"Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth." --Peter Ustinov


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