Business by the Book

I'm over half-way through a great book by Larry Burkett "Business By The Book: The Complete Guide of Biblical Principles for the Workplace." This book "offers radical principles of business management that go beyond the Ten Commandments and other biblical maxims. Business by the Book is a step-by-step presentation of how busineess should be run according to the Creator of all management rules: God."

The book has gotten me excited about trying some of the principles mentioned in the Book in our business. While I've tried to do that over the years, there are some good points about debt, lifestyle goals, vows, seeking counsel, hiring decisions, firing decisions, employee pay, and including your spouse as counselor and in making business decisions.

It is not who is right, but what is right, that is important. -- Thomas Huxley (1825-1895), Biologist and educator
When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it. No taxes no debt, women did all the work. White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee Proverb

Crown Financial Ministries - Dig in to find the "library" and "tools." They also sell a lot, but this will get you started on your hunt for biblical financial knowledge. I'll change this link if I find a better one.


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